Project Table (Overview)

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December 21st, 2019

Environment Time Period Description Skill
Mainframe April 2019 to date Backend Developments for Card Systems z/OS, DB2,...; COBOL, JCL
Mainframe January 2018 until March 2019 Data Synchronization with a Payment Provider z/OS, DB2,...; COBOL, JCL
Mainframe May 2017 until December 2017 Registration of Online Banking Customers for an Online Payment Platform z/OS, DB2, CICS, EXCI,..., SQL, JCL
Hetero-geneous January 2017 until March 2017 Projects regarding fusion tools z/OS, DB2 etc.; JCL; SAS
Hetero-geneous September 2011 until December 2016 Tool development for Configuration and Change Management; Development and Support for Host-based Client-Server-Systems; Support for Computing Center Service until the Introduction of new Client Systems z/OS, REXX, DB2 etc.; script languages: .rex, .php, Powershell; HTML; JavaScript, jQuery
Mainframe July 2006 until July 2011 Solutions regarding the Classification of Credit Risks - various rating technologies z/OS, COBOL, DB2; ROCHADE; XPEDITERJava (JBoss, Apache)
Mainframe April 2005 until January 2006 Connecting Mainframe Legacy Systems to SAP - ZGP for the Rollout of FS-CD and FS-CS z/OS; ASSEMBLER, C/370; DB2; STROBE; EXCEL
Mainframe Oktober 2004 until March 2005 Statistical pre-processing of mass data for financial reports z/OS; ASSEMBLER, C/370; DB2; STROBE; EXCEL
UNIX January until April 2004 Design specification of a Data Converter C++; LINUX 8.2
Mainframe End of March until July 2003 Replacement of a dynamic link procedure by a central program call interface z/OS, ASSEMBLER, to some degree: COBOL, C; IMS
Mainframe February 2002 until January 2003

Development of a DB2 access layer as part of a migration from IMS to DB2
Fusion of banks (Sparkasse Goslar with two small institutes): Fusion of the database and data supply for the direct brokerage interface NETLIFE with account data and order data for the day after the fusion
Replacement of the 6-digit WPK field by the 12-character ISIN field
Mainframe August 2001 until January 2002 Transmission of mass data from a sequential data pool to a DB2 datawarehouse
Expansion of the transmission system by three more interfaces
OS/390, COBOL, IBM Language Environment, ENDEVOR, DB2, ..., WINDOWS NT
Internet July 2001 Design of an internet site with profile data WINDOWS 98, AdobeGoLive Version 5.0
Mainframe January 2001 until June 2001 Selection and output of business data from a DB2 data pool to a print output system OS/390; COBOL II; SQS (Testsystem für DB2)
Mainframe, PC Proto-typing February 1998 until Dezember 2000 Data supply „Kapitaladäquanzrichtlinie“ ("DAKAR"): Interface monitor for the evaluation of stock transactions
Redevelopment of the DAKAR monitor as a proprietary tool; securing the know-how for further applications
Mainframe April 1997 until January 1998 Data migration from VSAM to ADABAS in the framework of Y2K program review MVS/ESA, CICS; POESY; SETLIBER
OO-Client / Server August 1995 until March 1997 Information system for the pharmacological external sales service GUPTA systems (SQLWindows)
OO-Client / Server February 1995 until June 1995 Electronic Banking contract administration system (Bank Leu) VISUAL AGE, SMALLTALK
OO-Client / Server Dezember 1994 until January 1995 MIS Information system / statistical functions GUPTA systems (SQLWindows)
OO-Client / Server April 1994 until Oktober 1994 User Help Desk information system GUPTA systems (SQLWindows)
PC February 1994 until March 1994 Graphical interface for a PC control system Visual Basic, C++
Mainframe November 1993 until January 1994 Migration from APEX to Control-M MVS/ESA, APEX, Control-M
Mainframe June 1993 until September 1993 SEMA-Group Standard-Jobs Implementation in Control-M MVS/ESA, Control-M
Mainframe, OO January 1993 until June 1993 Migration from BS2000 to MVS; simultaneously: first project with object oriented technologies MVS/ESA; ENFIN/2
Mainframe May 1992 until December 1992 Batch and online program development for KORDOBA BS2000, KORDOBA, mostly ASSEMBLER, COBOL
PC Oktober 1991 until April 1992 General PC developments WINDOWS, C++
VM-Host and Client/ Server July 1989 until June 1991 Expanded Memory Support for the 473x Family of ATMs
Picture Library Update (PLU) in a 473x ATM Network
8086-Assembler, PLAS, SNA; special tools of the IBM Labo-ratory: I²ICE (Intel-Debugger), MAGIC, ...; project language: English